Upcoming School Events
Reporting Student Absence

If your child is absent from school, you can click on the link below in order to access an absence note that can be turned into the school upon your student's return.

Absence Note Form

Early Check Out Notice

Please be mindful, early check-outs may interfere with your child’s learning.  We ask that students not be checked out early unless they have medical appointments that cannot be scheduled for after school hours. Should check-out of a child be necessary, all guests requesting to enter the building should be prepared to show a photo I.D. The child will then be called to the front office.  The latest that you may check out a student is 1:30 pm.

Family Engagement Time

Reading is a great way for you to have some quality time with your child. Accelerated Reader is a program we use at school with reading. Please click on the link below to learn more of how you can help at home.

Accelerated Reader

Information for Parents


For accurate information, please continue to follow us on Russell Elementary's Cardinal Connection, the official Facebook page and website. We appreciate your partnership with our school to continue success. For any questions, please contact administration.
